Monday, December 31, 2007

response to "The Importance of the Work"

You know, i find it extremely funny that they can compare a book like The Catcher In The Rye to The American Heritage Dictionary. Yes Holden curses, but doesnt everyone? Poeple are too caught up in the terrible meaning behind the word then the actually context in which Holden uses the word. They add emphisis and make the statement bolder. Holden does just say "F you" for the hell of it. It shows loss innocence on the school walls and this dissapoints him.

"Salinger's novel, of course, was important for much more than the certain words that the self appointed guardians of the public morality fuss over." page 12

On page 13 the author describes how Salinger cannot be held responsible for the misreadings of his novel. This statement is so true. Who are we to say that Holden is the character that Salinger really wanted to portray to us and that we dont have the completly wrong idea of him?

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Have you ever wondered about what goes on behind closed doors with people that you are surrounded by everyday? There is so much more to every person besides the way that they present themselves. By looking at me you probably wouldn’t be able to tell that I’m extremely adventurous and spontaneous. I am daring and passionate. Snowboarding for me is all of these things. It absolutely consumes my life in the winter and it is my escape from everyday troubles. When I am snowboarding, I feel free and sincerely content. I’m not exactly sure what it is about snowboarding that makes me so attracted to it. It might be the second family that I ride with, or the freezing cold breeze hitting me in the face making me feel alive, or the feeling of flying down a hill with no intentions of ever stopping or maybe it’s the way the snow makes everything in the world shine so much brighter, putting a permanent smile on my face. Nothing can infuriate me when I am snowboarding; I am numb to every negative aspect of my life.
Snowboarding is not an easy sport, and most people easily give up on it. I haven’t though and I don’t plan on giving it up until my legs can no longer swiftly carve my board down the mountain. I am determined to be the best I can be at snowboarding but I would like to have the most fun getting to that point. You can count on snowboarding to not be an average sport; it is overflowing with adventure and spontaneity which keeps me hanging on.
Just by taking a look at my snowboard, it immediately screams bold. It is bright and fun, vibrant and obnoxious. It has rainbows and skulls which represent the extreme moods that I can be in. It will jump out at you when in a crowd of others, just like me. The white bindings of my snowboard keep me stable. They represent all the constancy in my life, like my friends and family. The underside of my snowboard is covered in scrapes and gouges which stand for all the hard times I’ve gone through that have impacted me and caused me to be the person I am today.